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Top 5 Flat-Belly Foods

Dreaming of a flat stomach without hitting the gym? The good news is your dream may not be too far away. Whether you’re hoping to blitz away a muffin top or are battling with bloating, your diet is integral to shaping up this problem area. Start eating your way to a trimmer waistline with these top 5 foods for a flat stomach.

Flax seeds

Flax seeds (often referred to as linseeds) are nutritious seeds packed with monounsaturated fats (MUFAs) - which are actually a lot more diet-friendly than they sound. Monounsaturated fats, unlike saturated fats (the "bad" fats found in junk food), not only lower cholesterol levels but they can also help to reduce body fat. Liz Vaccariello, author of The Flat Belly Diet, advocates these healthy fats for those wanting to specifically target belly fat.

Not only will these super seeds tackle love handles, but they are great for those suffering from bloating. Flax seeds provide high levels of fibre and can help to keep the digestive system running smoothly, helping to banish bloating, constipation and other digestive problems. Try adding a tablespoon of freshly ground flax seeds to your morning cereal, lunchtime salad, or homemade smoothie to start enjoying their belly-flattening benefits.


Blackberries, blueberries, acai berries... what do these fruits have in common? They could all help you to squeeze back into your skinny jeans. Studies have suggested that those wanting to lose their belly fat should opt for fruit that is blue or red in colour (such as cherries, red grapes and many types of berries). In fact, it is the chemicals that are responsible for giving these fruits their colour (anthocyanins) that, according to recent research, also burn abdominal fat.


Not only is yoghurt low in fat and calories, so good as a weight loss food, but many yoghurts also contain active cultures (probiotics) which promote the growth of good bacteria in the gut and help with digestion, excess gas and bloating. Yoghurt is luckily easy to fit into any diet plan as part of a meal or a snack between meals. You could also try combining natural yoghurt, berries and flax seeds in a morning smoothie or bowl of cereal, getting you off to a great tummy-trimming start before you even leave the house.

Whole grains

Whole grains are great for weight management and shedding those excess pounds. Not only are they a low-fat source of slow-release energy but, due to their high levels of fibre, they will help to reg

raj91274, 18.09.2012, 18:16
Idea status: completed


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